eLidot Digital Inc.(App123) ئاپەکان

台灣離島旅遊 9.060639
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『台灣離島旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到台灣離島之美,快加入分享的行列吧!『台灣離島旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局及台灣離島民宿資訊網的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*台灣離島之旅相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 台灣離島旅遊為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,台灣離島旅遊在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作"Taiwan Islands tourism"with local tourism-related information and recommended food, so youdo not have to take notes, but also easy to play and let in !!In addition to providing a wealth of tourist information, thereare many beautiful sights and recommend comments, allowing you toquickly experience the beauty of Taiwan's outlying islands, jointhe ranks of sharing it!"Taiwan Islands Travel" contains official information of manyguesthouse owners, bloggers recommend, public resources and theTaiwan Tourism Bureau, MOTC Islands Bed and Breakfast News, if anysuggestions please feel free to contact us.Characteristic* Provide curated travel information, reduce the chance to step onmine.* Another update recommended stores, so you can easily plan yourtravel itinerary.* Combined with Google Map app, you can plan your route to therecommended food or attractions.* Can recommend sights sorted according to your location.* Provides easy interface lets users recommend a message, hasensured that the latest information.* Taiwan's outlying islands have updated information about tours,are willing to contact usSource Statement● obtain the public information store address and phone number ofthe network● recommended by the users Source● interface design is copyrighted, please respect the intellectualproperty rights● This program and other travel program has no relationship● store information about, or if inappropriate pictures andcomments, please let me know● The program does not guarantee that all data are correct, if theinformation is wrong welcome return● Taiwan's outlying islands tourism to maintain data quality, willall rights reserved● User message is an individual behavior on the web, the messageshall be responsible for your own comments, this program jointlyand severally responsible for any liability● All information uploaded by users, all of Taiwan's outlyingislands tourism has the right to use the copyright law, agree tore-upload● The program consists of moving the red dot design andproduction
台灣漁港吃喝玩樂 9.080642
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『台灣漁港吃喝玩樂』結合當地的美食推薦及相關旅遊資訊,讓您也不用做筆記,也能吃的滿足又能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到台灣漁港吃喝玩樂,快加入分享的行列吧!『台灣漁港吃喝玩樂』內容包含許多漁港美食、民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的美食、旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*台灣漁港吃喝玩樂相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 台灣漁港吃喝玩樂為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,台灣漁港吃喝玩樂在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作● 本APP協辦暨共同推廣單位:中華民國觀光產業資訊協會
收成行事曆 8.40562
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
實用又方便的配息日訊息,隨身掌握好方便!快下載德盛安聯收成行事曆APP,掌握熱門基金即時訊息,讓投資立即升級~.配息基準日查詢.配息率一覽.基金月報.市場快訊.影音投資教室Practical and convenientcoupon date information, easy to carry master!Allianz harvest faster download Calendar APP,Popular instant messaging master fund, make investments to upgradenow ~. With interest rate reference date query. With interest rates at a glance. Monthly FundMarket News. AV Investment classroom
苦行健康生活 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
深夜食堂 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『深夜食堂』結合當地的美食推薦及相關旅遊資訊,讓您也不用做筆記,也能吃的滿足又能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到深夜食堂美食,快加入分享的行列吧!『深夜食堂』內容包含許多深夜美食、民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的美食、旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*深夜食堂相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 深夜食堂為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,深夜食堂在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作● 本APP協辦暨共同推廣單位:中華民國觀光產業資訊協會"Night canteen" withlocal cuisine recommended and related travel information, so you donot have to take notes, but also eat easy to play and let's meet !!In addition to providing a wealth of tourist information, thereare many beautiful sights and recommend comments, allowing you toquickly experience the night canteen food, join the ranks ofsharing it!"Night canteen" contains a lot of late-night food, guesthouseowners of official information, bloggers recommend, Tourism Bureau,MOTC public resources, if any suggestions please feel free tocontact us.Characteristic* Provides Elaborate cuisine, travel information, reduce the chanceto step on mine.* Another update recommended stores, so you can easily plan yourtravel itinerary.* Combined with Google Map app, you can plan your route to therecommended food or attractions.* Can recommend sights sorted according to your location.* Provides easy interface lets users recommend a message, hasensured that the latest information.* Late at night canteen another update information, contact us arewilling toSource Statement● obtain the public information store address and phone number ofthe network● recommended by the users Source● interface design is copyrighted, please respect the intellectualproperty rights● This program and other travel program has no relationship● store information about, or if inappropriate pictures andcomments, please let me know● The program does not guarantee that all data are correct, if theinformation is wrong welcome return● night canteen for the maintenance of data quality, will allrights reserved● User message is an individual behavior on the web, the messageshall be responsible for your own comments, this program jointlyand severally responsible for any liability● All information uploaded by users, the night canteen has all theright to use the copyright law, agree to re-upload● The program consists of moving the red dot design andproduction● The APP co-promotion and co-Unit: Republic of China TourismIndustry Association Information
探索國際旅行社 8.100601
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
探索國際旅行社App讓您一手掌握最新旅遊資訊,只要Apps在手,無論身處何地,打開探索國際旅行社App馬上顯示您周圍的特惠店家!◎ 提供適地服務(Location-BasedService,LBS),立即秀出您週邊特約店家資訊&路徑導航規劃,讓您全台灣玩透透。◎ 會員專屬國內飯店,國外旅遊消費優惠等相關旅遊商品最新資訊。◎ 貼心省電:APP無廣告設計,不顯示與本APP無關之廣告,不多浪費您寶貴的手機電池容量。[相關網站]探索國際旅行社http://www.twplay.com.tw如果您有任何與App相關的問題或建議,都非常歡迎和我們聯繫--email:twplaygo@gmail.comInternational Travel Applets you explore a hand-to-date travel information, so long as Appson hand, wherever you are, open exploration of international traveldeals App store display immediately around you!◎ provide appropriate serving (Location-Based Service, LBS),immediately show your special shops surrounding news & routenavigation planning, allowing you to play and let in Taiwan.◎ members of the exclusive country hotels, foreign travel andother related consumer travel products Shipping News.◎ intimate power: APP no advertising design, do not show it withthis APP advertising has nothing to do, no more wasting yourvaluable mobile phone battery capacity.[Links]Exploration International Travelhttp://www.twplay.com.twIf you have any questions or suggestions related App, are verywelcome to contact us --email: twplaygo@gmail.com
力馬旅遊 7.450531
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
旅遊前的準備工作很惱人嗎?讓力馬旅遊來幫你一把吧~!!Preparations beforetravel very annoying it?Let force a horse to help you travel it ~!!
除蟑一點絕 5.58
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
一點絕簡介:特 點:● 家庭必備品,特別適用於噴藥較為敏感的所,醫院、學校、幼稚園、 食品工廠、飯店及怕水的電器設備。● 一點絕餌膠濕軟,蟑螂愛吃,效果非常好。● 連鎖殺蟑:蟑螂吃餌後,24~48小時才會發揮藥效,有機會回到原巢穴中死亡,其他蟑螂再吃同伴的屍體後造成致死效果,進而消滅整個族群,殺蟑較徹底。使用方法:使用方法施打於不易看到、不意摸到的角落。每點約打紅豆般大小,施打於縫細、抽屜、牆角等陰暗不易觸及之處,蟑螂多的地方(如:餐廳、麵包店、廚房),每隔50公分打一點,蟑螂少的地方(如:客廳、臥室),每隔100公分打一點,7~10天後,乾乾淨淨。| 三個月後再施打一次,效果更好。餌膠盡量不要碰到水,避免發霉,效果減半。餌膠盡量不要施打於水源附近,避免水源接觸餌膠,降低餌膠效果。注意:siege一點絕不要碰到水,避免發黴;若餌膠不斷流出,將推桿往後輕拉,即可停止。毒性極低(LD50>=5000mg/KG)。其味道對寵物也毫無吸引力,真正是「狗不理包子」。寵物部分您家有小強問題的煩惱嗎?還在使用傳統的黏蟑屋、噴霧罐或餌盒嗎?小強最喜歡躲藏在寵物的籠子或集便盆附近,偷吃香噴噴的寵物飼料與便便,真的很噁心。萬一家中可愛的貓咪把黏蟑屋或餌盒當成玩具,不小心誤食怎麼辦?您安心讓心愛的狗狗與噁心的小強家族共同分享美食嗎?相信家中有養寵物的每個人,都曾為了蟑螂肆虐而束手無策吧!快使用德國進口的一點絕除蟑凝膠餌劑,一點絕膠餌是與傳統的噴霧和餌料滅蟑完全不同的新概念。可直接深入縫隙進行處理,不易被兒童和寵物接觸。無特殊氣味,不污染環境。一點絕內含主要成分為環境用藥愛美松 Hydramethylnon,含量極低,主要誘引性只針對蟑螂,對於貓狗並不會有任何影響。而且蟑螂晚上吃了一點絕蟑螂藥之後,會慢慢的爬回巢內,透過蟑螂取食同伴屍體及糞便的習性而產生連鎖殺蟑作用,毒性發作也沒有體力再出來覓食,不會讓寵物吃到小強的屍體,更不會造成居家環境污染。
御品古釀 8.40562
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
笑居樂食 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
一群熱情有夢想的年輕人,開了一間想讓下班後的您,放鬆心情,大啖美食,小酌美酒的歡樂場所!!(笑)食材一定新鮮!空運、海運只要是好吃的!我們一定讓您吃到!!A group of enthusiasticyoung man with a dream, opened an after work you want torelax,Bushel food, drink wine and joy place!! (Laughs)Ingredients must be fresh! Air, sea long as it is delicious! Wewill allow you to eat!!
以樂家具 5.29
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
APP也能買家具囉~以樂家具為提供更便利的家具採購服務,特別設置了APP,讓您使用手機平板也能輕鬆地逛家具,買家具【以樂生活傢俱館】以神為樂,以家為樂,以客為樂以樂家具是耶和華神賞賜的店,從有想法到第一筆銷售只有一週,開店以來經驗到神無比的恩典.願神使用這店祝福每位來到以樂的朋友【以樂生活傢俱館經營哲學】1.提供平價質優家具,不論全新或二手,重要的是價格好東西好以樂致力提供您平價質優的家具特別是台灣製的(為台灣經濟略盡綿薄之力)2.以家具代替裝潢,裝潢常有帶不走的問題,我們很願意與您一起打造您的家,以平價的花費盡力達到您的需要及期望【以樂家具經營項目】1.二手家具銷售/中古家具銷售/二手IKEA家具銷售2.二手家具回收(請來電詢問)3.可訂座沙發4.全新平價家具5.短期家具出租聯絡電話: (02)2363-5577LINE ID:23635577地址:台北市廈門街102號 臻第大樓APP can also buy musicfurniture furniture Hello ~ in order to provide more convenientfurniture procurement services, set up a special APP, allowing youto use your phone tablet can easily stroll furniture, buy furniture[Museum] living furniture to music for the music of God, afamily of music to delight customersFurniture is the Lord God to reward music store, from the ideato the first sale only a week, the experience of God's graceincomparable shop since May God bless each store using this musiccame to a friend[To the music of living furniture museum philosophy]  1. Provide affordable high quality furniture, whethernew or used, it is important a good thing good price     Music is committed to provide youwith affordable high quality furniture     Especially in Taiwan's (Taiwan'seconomy Mianbozhili)  2 to replace the furniture and decorating,decorating often can not take away the problem,     We are very willing to work with youto build your home,     To try to reach cost parity yourneeds and expectations[Project] furniture business in music1 Used Furniture Sales / Used Furniture Sales / Used IKEA furnituresales2 second-hand furniture recycling (please call us)3 can Reservation sofa4 new cheap furniture5 Short-term furnished rentalTel: (02) 2363-5577LINE ID: 23635577Address: 102 Amoy Street, Taipei Zhen first building
雪霸愛旅遊 9.060639
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『雪霸愛旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到雪霸之美,快加入分享的行列吧!『雪霸愛旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*雪霸愛旅遊相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 雪霸愛旅遊為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,雪霸愛旅遊在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作● 本APP協辦暨共同推廣單位:中華民國觀光產業資訊協會"Shei-Pa Love Tour" withlocal food-related travel information and recommendation, so you donot have to take notes, but also easy to play and let in!!In addition to providing a wealth of travel information, thereare many beautiful sights of recommendation and comments, allowingyou to experience the beauty of Shei-Pa's faster, quick to join theranks to share it!"Shei-Pa Love Tour" content industry contains many B & B'sofficial information, bloggers recommend, public resources TourismBureau, and if you have any suggestions please feel free to contactus.Features* Provide carefully organize travel information, reducing thechances of stepping Ray.* Another update recommended stores, so you can easily plan yourtravel itinerary.* Combined with Google Map application, you can plan a route to therecommended food or attractions.* Can recommend sights sort according to your location.* Provides easy interface so users recommend comments have ensuredthat the latest information.* Shei-pa love another travel-related information updates arewilling to contact usSource Statement● obtain public information that the store address and telephone bythe network● Recommended by friends Sources● interface design is Copyright Please respect intellectualproperty rights● This program and other tourist programs do not have anyrelationship● store information about, or if inappropriate pictures andcomments, please write and tell● The program does not guarantee that all data are correct, if theinformation is incorrect welcome return● Shei-pa love travel for maintaining data quality, will all rightsreserved● User message is an individual behavior on the network, a messagewill be responsible for their own messages, the program responsiblefor any joint and several liability● All data uploaded by users, Shei-pa love travel have all theright to use the copyright law, please agree to re-upload● The program moves from the red dot design and production● The APP co-cum-joint promotion unit: ROC Tourism IndustryInformation Association
大桃園好鄰居 5.38
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
大桃園好鄰居提供與食衣住行相關的生活情報,讓你在桃園的時候可以輕鬆的獲取相關資訊,我們的內容包含許多業者的官方資訊,部落客推薦,如有任何建議,歡迎聯繫.以下為我們主要業務內容1.食衣住行相關生活資訊,幫助每個人可以更輕鬆掌握哪裡吃,哪裡玩2.商家好康優惠活動的宣傳3.網路購物中心,協助優良商家業績大幅成長,讓消費者能夠享受到更多的優質產品4.助人為善,讓社會上需要幫助的人事物,能透過我們的平台,得到更多的關注和幫助Big Taoyuan goodneighbors provide relevant Letting life intelligence, so that youcan easily get in Taoyuan time information, our content containsinformation about many of the industry's official bloggersrecommend, if you have any suggestions, please contact.The following is our main business content1. Letting relevant lifestyle information to help each personcan more easily grasp where to eat, where to play2 Merchant Deals & Offers promotional activities3 Internet shopping mall, to help businesses significantly superiorgrowth performance, so that consumers can enjoy more qualityproducts4. Helping others is good, so people need something to help thecommunity, through our platform can get more attention and help
周老爸時尚餅舖 9.080642
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
「周老爸時尚餅舖」為產品行銷包裝,且堅持傳統的品質與態度,結合新時代的創意與文化。初起以網路販售為主,並在網路上造成轟動,擠身「團購名店」與「地方特色店家」第一品牌。1.連續獲選新店十大伴手禮2.單月銷售冠軍二萬顆的「蛋黃酥」3.給你(妳)幸福浪漫的「櫻葉酥」4.相遇鳳梨,冬瓜掰掰的「珍鑽鳳梨」【周老爸時尚餅舖】 APP平台,讓您立即掌握最新資訊、活動優惠、禮盒快報,輕鬆線上下訂單,還在等甚麼,快來下載【周老爸時尚餅舖】 APP吧!"Dad Fashion Week cakeshop" for the marketing of packaging products, and adhere to thetraditional quality and attitude, combined with creativity and newcultural era.Beginning to sell web-based, and caused a sensation on theInternet, place among the "buy Shoppes" and "local specialtiesstores' brand.1. Continuous elected ten new stores Souvenir2. The monthly sales champion of twenty thousand "yolk cakes"3. Give you (u) happy romantic "cherry leaf Crisp"4. meet pineapple, melon Bai Bai's "Jane drill pineapple"[Fashion Week Dad cake shop] APP platform, allowing you toimmediately grasp the latest information, the next eventpromotions, gift Letters, easy online order, what are youwaiting,Come download [Zhou] APP father fashion cake shop now!
老樹尋幽 9.060639
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
歐特耐OTTOLINE 8.90596
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
愛車的您, 還在為維修保養傷腦筋, 怕被騙當了冤大頭, 或是再尋找合適愛車的保修廠而煩惱嗎?歐特耐全台135家保修連鎖店,每家歐特耐都是全車養護的專家,歐特耐APP正是為了協助您解決愛車的所有疑難雜症而誕生。在這裡,您可以找到最實用的汽車相關資訊,包括保養/維修常識及事故處理步驟;也可以根據您設定的條件,輕易找到最適合您的歐特耐連鎖保養廠;根據您行駛的里程數或保養區間,瞭解您應該進行的保養項目、更換產品及建議價格,讓您安心且放心;當您遇到緊急事故時,可直接撥出給0800-291668免費服務專線,獲得專業即時的協助;同時精選最優質優惠的商品,滿足愛車裡裡外外的需求;最及時的促銷資訊,好康絕不漏接;同時歡迎您一同加入歐特耐FB粉絲團,分享及交流,當然也有活動或好康等您拿哦;也有您最需要最實用的網站連結,訊息垂手可得。別猶豫!這麼完整專業的保修專區哪裡可得?現在,趕快動動手指,加入我們吧!歐特耐OTTOLINEAPP這個大家庭歡迎您!!
TOP浪漫薰衣草旅行 9.050637
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『TOP浪漫薰衣草旅行』免費提供薰衣草森林旅遊資訊,完整的行程規劃及相關美食資訊的推薦,讓您也不用手忙腳亂做筆記,輕鬆悠遊薰衣草森林及周邊吃喝玩樂資訊!!除了提供豐富的休閒景點資料外,還有許多美食的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到TOP浪漫薰衣草森林之旅,快加入分享的行列吧!『TOP浪漫薰衣草旅行』內容包含許多業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、國家公園管理處官網、觀光旅遊網的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的TOP浪漫薰衣草旅行休閒資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆不愁沒處去*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*TOP浪漫薰衣草旅行相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● TOP浪漫薰衣草旅行為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,TOP浪漫薰衣草旅行在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作
阿里山愛旅遊 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『阿里山愛旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到阿里山之美,快加入分享的行列吧!『阿里山愛旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*阿里山之旅相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 阿里山愛旅遊為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,阿里山愛旅遊在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作● 本APP協辦暨共同推廣單位:中華民國觀光產業資訊協會"Ali Love Tour" withlocal food-related travel information and recommendation, so you donot have to take notes, but also easy to play and let in!!In addition to providing a wealth of travel information, thereare many beautiful sights of recommendation and comments, allowingyou to quickly experience the beauty of Alishan, quickly join theranks to share it!"Ali Love Tour" content industry contains many B & B'sofficial information, bloggers recommend, public resources TourismBureau, and if you have any suggestions please feel free to contactus.Features* Provide carefully organize travel information, reducing thechances of stepping Ray.* Another update recommended stores, so you can easily plan yourtravel itinerary.* Combined with Google Map application, you can plan a route to therecommended food or attractions.* Can recommend sights sort according to your location.* Provides easy interface so users recommend comments have ensuredthat the latest information.* Alishan tour INFORMATION another update, there will can contactusSource Statement● obtain public information that the store address and telephone bythe network● Recommended by friends Sources● interface design is Copyright Please respect intellectualproperty rights● This program and other tourist programs do not have anyrelationship● store information about, or if inappropriate pictures andcomments, please write and tell● The program does not guarantee that all data are correct, if theinformation is incorrect welcome return● Ali Love tour to maintain data quality, will all rightsreserved● User message is an individual behavior on the network, a messagewill be responsible for their own messages, the program responsiblefor any joint and several liability● All data users upload of Alishan love travel have all the rightto use the copyright law, please agree to re-upload● The program moves from the red dot design and production● The APP co-cum-joint promotion unit: ROC Tourism IndustryInformation Association
有樂町居酒屋 7.450531
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
有樂町 居酒屋~一個有歡樂的地方~有樂町 的宗旨就是讓每個進來的客戶都感受到歡樂!!!歡樂的用餐、歡樂的談天說地、歡樂的飲酒作樂讓每個認真打拼的上班族,有個放鬆減壓的場所豐富的菜單~有烤物、炸物、炒物、冷盤、鍋物牛、雞、豬、羊、海鮮、青菜~讓您每一樣都想點來吃並備有各種口味的日本汽水、清、燒酒當然~還有透清涼的ASAHI生啤酒不僅食物皆鮮味可口、價格也是親民服務生更是親切、熱情的招呼每一位到場的賓客就算您是單獨一人來用餐,也絕對不會覺得孤單無聊的這就是有樂町~一個有歡樂的地方!!Yurakucho Izakaya - ahappy place ~Yurakucho aim is to make each incoming customers feelhappy!!!Happy dining, chatting joy, the joy of binge drinkingSerious work hard so that each office workers, there is a place torelax decompressionThe extensive menu - grilled things, Fried, fried things, coldcuts, hot potCattle, chickens, pigs, sheep, seafood, vegetables ~ Let your everywant to point to eatAnd offers a variety of flavors of soft drinks in Japan, clear,shochu~ There are of course thoroughly refreshing draft beer ASAHINot only are the flavor of the food delicious, the price is closeto the peopleThe waiter is friendly, warm greeting guests every sceneEven if you are a single person to dine, they would never feellonely boringThat's Yurakucho - a happy place!!
九份老街趴趴GO 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『九份老街趴趴GO』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到九份老街之美,快加入分享的行列吧!『九份老街趴趴GO』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*九份之旅相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 九份老街趴趴GO為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,九份老街趴趴GO在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作"Papa GO nine streets"with local food-related travel information and recommendations, soyou do not have to take notes, but also easy to play and let in!!In addition to providing a wealth of tourist information, thereare many beautiful attractions of the recommendations and comments,allowing you to quickly experience the beauty of the nine streets,soon joined the ranks of sharing it!"Nine streets Papa GO" contains many B & B industry officialinformation, bloggers recommend, the Tourism Bureau of publicresources, if you have any suggestions please feel free to contactus.Characteristic* Provide carefully organize travel information, reduce the chanceof stepping mine.* Continue to update recommended stores, so you can easily planyour travel itinerary.* Combined with Google Map application, can you plan your route tothe recommended food or attractions.* Can be recommended attractions sorted according to yourlocation.* Provide a convenient interface to allow users to recommendcomments, has ensured that the latest information.* Nine tours continue to update information, willingness to contactusSource Statement● Obtain information about the stores open by the network addressand phone● recommended by friends Sources● interface design is copyrighted, please respect the intellectualproperty rights● This program and other tourist programs no relationship● store information about, or if inappropriate pictures andcomments, please let us know● The program does not guarantee that all data are correct, if thedata is incorrect welcome return● nine Street Papa GO to maintain data quality, will all rightsreserved● User comments are personal behavior on the network, the messageshall be responsible for their own message, the program responsiblefor any joint and several liability● All data users upload, the nine streets Papa GO owns all of therights to use the copyright law, please agree to re-upload● The program moves from the red dot design and production
花蓮自由行旅遊 9.060639
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『花蓮自由行旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到花蓮之美,快加入分享的行列吧!『花蓮自由行旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*花蓮自由行旅遊相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 花蓮自由行旅遊為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,花蓮自由行旅遊在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作● 本APP協辦暨共同推廣單位:中華民國觀光產業資訊協會
海賊串燒.居酒.Lounge 4.11
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
我們是一群熱血又愛冒險、充滿俠義精神的海賊軍團。我們遊走世界各地專門搜刮最好的食材,並且用最實惠的價格來回饋給各位賊友,大家想要熱血一下的時候不仿招集三五好友一同前往海賊串燒吧!We are a group ofbloodand love of adventure, full of chivalrous spirit of piratecorps.We walk around the world dedicated plundered thebestingredients, and the most affordable prices to give back toyouthief friends, when you do not want to look fake bloodrecruiting afew friends to go with the pirates skewer it!
葛洛莉SPA 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
●葛洛莉SPA美學館創立於1993~葛洛莉SPA美學館,目前於全省擁有20餘家直營及加盟門市,我們以恬靜、優雅、智慧風貌,從容立身於都會之中,累積20多年獨家研發各式手技,並堅持使用天然植物精油精萃產品,用心服務每位渴求被寵愛與呵護的女性身心靈。●產品品牌書拉密 Shulamite 一詞源自聖經:雅歌用以表達對女性無限的愛並歌頌其智慧與美麗沿用為葛洛莉全系列商品品牌以此詮釋全天然精油為基底的菁純智慧保養以及將摯愛女性視為使命堅持。針對亞洲氣候,並依循膚質、體質、季節所需所研發「Shulamite書拉密保養系列」以多年代理歐洲大廠品牌及市場累積多年經驗,提供多元、彈性、專業、高效的保養機制,商品並以「植物精油精萃」作為產品主要成份與核心概念,締造出深度與廣度兼具的肌膚保養策略,讓您在價值與價格的平衡中,找到最適合於您的選擇。●課程服務維護您的身心靈健康是葛洛莉SPA的責任,累積多年獨家手技研發技術,搭配人體各項專業學理,我們提供您「美妍肌膚保養、身體暢活舒壓、美體美胸規劃、芳香居家保養、手足皙嫩保養」各類多元課程,以「適體、適性、適肌」原則,為您規劃各式服務選擇,讓您盡情於葛洛莉SPA恬靜空間中獲得最佳款待,重拾身心平衡,盡享無邊放鬆,再展亮麗容顏~葛洛莉SPA寵愛待您Your Glory is Our GLORY您的容光,是我們的榮耀
郭師傅花生糖 9.080642
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
徹夜未眠‧國術師傅煉成脆糖花生一位原本經營國術館的師傅,因為喜歡吃花生糖而開始自己動手製作。從炒香、攪拌、火侯控制,花了整晚的時間左思右想研究,做壞了就丟、丟了再做,千斤花生辛苦倒掉,最後終於練就一身功夫,做出一鍋好吃不黏牙、顆顆飽滿相連的酥脆花生糖。雲林子弟‧延選花生品質郭師傅的花生糖不同於傳統作法,乃是選用雲林北港花生,將帶皮的花生跟麥芽糖一起煮,保留花生皮豐富的營養價值,讓薄薄一層麥芽糖附著在花生上,口感香酥脆、甜而不膩。【郭師傅花生糖】 APP平台,讓您立即掌握最新資訊、活動優惠、禮盒快報,輕鬆線上下訂單,還在等甚麼,快來下載【郭師傅花生糖】 APP吧!
鬥陣潛水 9.080642
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
提供專業潛水教學,潛水裝備販售,國內外潛水旅遊,健康輕食茶飲,歡迎下載APP,一起享受,一起潛水!鬥陣潛水訓練中心(Together DivingCenter),是一個以教學為主的專業潛水訓練中心。逗陣Together歡迎大台北地區喜歡運動的人,來此挑戰與享受水上休閒活動,並且在此學習游泳、浮潛、水肺潛水和自由潛水。水肺潛水和自由潛水是全世界風行的水上活動,台灣是一個海島,但是民眾對於運動項目及水上活動,和國外比起來相對接觸的較少。隨著運動風氣的普及,以及諸多潛水教練們的推廣,潛水運動的學員人數,最近幾年有爆發性的成長。鬥陣的台灣語言就是"一起"、"共同"的意思。在此歡迎大家一起共同享受此項很棒的休閒活動,台灣語言諧音又像豆丁,故我們堅持好的教學品質、精緻化小班教學及共同不斷的練習提升技術與技巧,是此項休閒活動最重要也是最安全的部分。我們深信優質、專業的教學,除了可讓學員安全與輕鬆學習,並得到精實的技巧,且可享受休閒潛水的無限樂趣。
金山八里愛旅遊 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
『八里金山愛旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到八里及金山之美,快加入分享的行列吧!『八里金山愛旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局及八里、金山民宿資訊網的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*八里及金山之旅相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 八里金山愛旅遊為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,八里金山愛旅遊在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作"Bali Tourism Jinshanlove" with local food-related travel information andrecommendations, so you do not have to take notes, but also easy toplay and let in!!In addition to providing a wealth of tourist information, thereare many beautiful attractions of the recommendations and comments,allowing you to quickly experience the beauty of Bali and Jinshan,soon joined the ranks of sharing it!"Jinshan Love Bali Tourism" contains many B & Bs in theindustry's official information, bloggers recommend, and the BaliTourism Bureau, Jinshan B & Information Network of publicresources, if you have any suggestions please feel free to contactus.Characteristic* Provide carefully organize travel information, reduce the chanceof stepping mine.* Continue to update recommended stores, so you can easily planyour travel itinerary.* Combined with Google Map application, can you plan your route tothe recommended food or attractions.* Can be recommended attractions sorted according to yourlocation.* Provide a convenient interface to allow users to recommendcomments, has ensured that the latest information.* Bali Tour and Jinshan continue to update information, willingnessto contact usSource Statement● Obtain information about the stores open by the network addressand phone● recommended by friends Sources● interface design is copyrighted, please respect the intellectualproperty rights● This program and other tourist programs no relationship● store information about, or if inappropriate pictures andcomments, please let us know● The program does not guarantee that all data are correct, if thedata is incorrect welcome return● Jinshan love Bali tourism to maintain data quality, will allrights reserved● User comments are personal behavior on the network, the messageshall be responsible for their own message, the program responsiblefor any joint and several liability● All data users upload, the Bali Tourism Jinshan love to have allof the rights to use the copyright law, please agree tore-upload● The program moves from the red dot design and production
雨傘王 8.70589
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
角字號。山姆史戴克 4.13
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
餐廳介紹:●結合頂級味覺的餐飲服務、藝術視覺的文創藝廊、心靈聽覺的角頭音樂專區,用心的服務與高質感的享受,讓您完全體會到前所未有的幸福感。●全台獨一無二簽約採用吳寶春麵包●6、12、20、50人包廂服務,隱密不受打擾之私密空間,商務、聯誼的第一選擇。●客制化活動包場活動;求婚趴,特殊餐酒會規劃;備有音響、投影、60吋大電視、活動規劃,聚會、說明會、發表會的不二選擇。新世界文藝復興的人文饗食空間;低調隱密寧靜貼心服務的私人招待會所。「給您最好;因為值得」是我們不變的理念;源自美國傳承歐洲古典風情的氛圍;堅持以合理價格提供美國一流牧場的最頂級牛肉;讓您從容地享受最經典,最原味的美國頂級牛排。角字號給您低調隱密並貼心服務的私人招待會所感。餐廳位置鄰近師大夜市以合理價格提供美國一流牧場的最頂級牛肉;這裡的氣氛特別適合慶祝生日,有時壽星還能收到餐點的小驚喜,記得在訂位時特別註明或在餐廳時向服務人員告知!訂位電話:(02)2363-3969地址:台北巿大安區泰順街2巷4號FB粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/mountainmamasteak營業時間:午餐:12:00-15:00晚餐:18:00-22:00 (供餐至21:30)(每週一店休)
Au Jardin (Bistro du Vin) 7.440529
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
Destination for gourmat & winelovers一個令美食家與葡萄酒愛好至駐足的地方Au Jardin(Bistro du Vin)is the ultimate neighborhoodrestaurantand wineshop that envelops quests in a warm inviting environment.Serving simple European cuisine and south Asian food.Menu delivers a signature twist to hearty bistro fare withtheuse of seasonal ingredients.Au Jardin(BistroduVin)是一個結合美食與美酒並且洋溢著溫馨氣息的餐廳。提供簡單卻具有層次的歐式及南洋料理,精心獨特製作的菜色都來自於當令的新鮮食材。Destination forgourmat& wine loversAn order to stop loving foodies and wine placeAu Jardin (Bistro du Vin) is the ultimate neighborhoodrestaurantand wineshop that envelops quests in a warm inviting environment.Serving simple European cuisine and south Asian food.Menu delivers a signature twist to hearty bistro fare withtheuse of seasonal ingredients.Au Jardin (Bistro du Vin) is a combination of food and wineandfilled with a warm atmosphere of the restaurant. Provide simplebutwith the level of European and South Pacific cuisine,carefullycrafted dishes are unique from fresh seasonalingredients.
PSK美麗i好康 9.090651
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
♥保養美妝品牌─PSK寶絲汀「美麗i好康」行動購物APP。●APP獨家特惠,限時下殺/好康情報一手掌握。●PSK掛保證24小時不打烊,走到哪就逛到哪。●活動推播通知,好康活動絕對不會錯過。●專業美妝教室,保養祕訣隨時看。●簡單一分鐘即可快速加入會員,即時掌握新品最前線。●完整購物機制,可使用購物車,使用無障礙。●即時線上客服,方便又貼心。★PSK「美麗i好康」提倡遵循肌膚天然的「美麗週期」,在不影響肌膚自然循環的前提之下,借助源自天然的護膚力量,結合精萃的成分,提升肌膚自然更新的能力,喚醒美麗容顏。★全APP商城都是優質好康商品,所以您隨時隨手Buy的都是物超所值商品。而且還有App專屬、限時下殺的「獨家優惠」,讓您隨時隨地驚喜不斷!更多PSK寶絲汀情報:http://www.psk.com.tw歡迎來PSK粉絲專頁,天天與妳分享美麗秘訣!https://www.facebook.com/ProskinTw♥ Beauty care brands ─PSK treasure Christine "beautiful i Guaranteed" actions shoppingAPP.● APP exclusive privileges, under limited kill / Guaranteedintelligence in one hand.● PSK hanging guarantee 24 hours without closing, where they go onshopping.● Activities push notifications, savings activities will not bemissed.● Professional Beauty classrooms, maintenance tips at any time tosee.● Simple one minute to quickly join members immediately grasp theforefront of new products.● complete shopping system, you can use the shopping cart, the useof barrier.● real-time online customer service, convenient and intimate.★ PSK "beautiful i Guaranteed" to promote the skin's natural tofollow a "beautiful period" under the skin without affecting thenatural cycle of the premise, withPower from natural skin care, combined with the essence of theingredients, to enhance the skin's natural ability to update, wakeup beautiful face.★ APP store is full of quality merchandise savings, so you arealways readily Buy value for money products.But also App-exclusive, limited killed under "exclusive offers" sothat wherever you constantly surprises!More PSK treasure Kristin information:http://www.psk.com.twWelcome to the PSK fan page every day to share beauty tips withyou!https://www.facebook.com/ProskinTw
Taiwan Machine Tools 8.30555
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
Integrated Marketing Communications Projectforthe Taiwan Machine Tools IndustryIntegratedMarketingCommunications Project for the Taiwan Machine ToolsIndustry
Dilmah帝瑪紅茶 5.51
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
Dilmah帝瑪茶是一個非常特殊的茶。一個家族企業,由Mr. MerrillJFernando在1950年創建,基於同樣是一種哲學和一個企業的想法 全家族共同投入。Mr. MerrillJFernando年輕時在西洋茶的世界中心-倫敦見習,他經歷了茶葉被商品化、利益化的世界,吞蝕他家鄉茶農辛勤的果實。他下定決心,有一天他會改變這種狀況,並提供真正茶農種植的優質茶品牌給世界,以避免層層的剝削。他承諾作為一個茶農對質量的保證,將最好的茶直接帶給消費者。他花了38年,最終他的Dilmah帝瑪紅茶品牌於1988年啟動。Dilmah致力於純種錫蘭優質的茶葉品牌,與跨國公司主導的全球化品牌一爭高下。缺乏財力資源的競爭情況下,Dilmah幾近沒法生存。最終在消費者認定其質量和職業道德下給予支持,幫促成了今日的成功。今天,Dilmah帝瑪紅茶代表了Mr. MerrillJFernando的承諾,成就了一個有倫理、高品質的茶葉品牌。Dilmah帝瑪紅茶是建立在誠信的基礎下,提供高品質、真實的錫蘭紅茶給消費者,並以手工採摘,從茶園到茶包新鮮的把產品送至消費者手中。Dilmah的企業核心價值是維持社會正義和環境可持續發展,並承諾透過分享以造福辛苦工作的茶農。Dilmah帝瑪紅茶的願望是與大家分享一個新的品茶觀念,以好茶與美味佳餚的結合和茶飲調理( MOCKTAIL &COCKTAIL ),提供另一個美好生活的型態。
AK 香氛珠寶 5.32
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
❦ AK香氛珠寶行動APP ❦喜歡珠寶產品的妳現在有快速省時的方法囉!不管您是不方便出門或是離家裡太遠現在就可以直接下載AK香氛珠寶APP!數百種產品任您挑選金工系列、經典設計款、寶石系列還有最新款的鋼針系列等等分類盡包含在內喜歡AK的妳千萬不要錯過!→ 隨時上架最新產品,一手掌握第一手商品資訊→ 簡單介面,輕鬆享受購物樂趣❦ 公司簡介 ❦Artek 香氛珠寶結合香氛和珠寶工藝時尚設計的「AK~香氛珠寶」,自上市以來,創造了全球喜愛香芬和香水人仕的驚豔和回應。因此給予我們繼續努力不斷開發新款式的動力,我們每年不定期的參加展售會,締結了全球的訂單,包括:美國、加拿大、新加坡、澳洲、日本、馬來西亞、英國、日本、中東地區、中國大陸和台灣。我們所有的產品不但擁有專利的瓶塞與香芬瓶的結合,而且每項設計都申請了圖像製作權。因此「AK~香氛珠寶」也分區經銷。上海、南京、重慶、東莞都有銷售據點。台灣的設計團隊加上中國的生產腹地,我們很自信的可以提供源源不絕的新款式供應所有喜愛香芬瓶的朋友們-琉璃飾品/香精/油飾品/精油瓶/香精油項鍊/香精油手環/手工彩繪玻璃瓶/琉璃精油項鍊/飾品/鎖圈/皮包掛飾/車用香芬掛飾/香芬手機吊飾/薰香精油產品/琉璃項鍊/琉璃戒指/薰香項鍊/薰香戒指/香氛項鍊/香氛戒指/香氛工藝品/香氛珠寶/汽車掛飾/薰香爐/薰香精油精,油瓶項鍊,精油瓶戒指,琉璃精油瓶項鍊,琉璃香薰項鍊,香薰掛件,生命密碼項鍊,招財開運商品,個人招財商品精油項鍊,精油戒指,香薰戒指,精油掛件,精油,香水瓶等。希望「AK~香氛珠寶」的發明,可以讓更多喜歡香精油的同好友人 隨身佩帶達到舒壓、抗憂並創造愉悅的心情、享樂人生。地址:235台灣新北市南華路30-2號電話:886-2-82451815 傳真:886-912018354網址:http://www.artekcollection.com❦ AK action APP❦Fragrance JewelryYou like jewelry products are now fast time-savingmethodHello!Whether you are or inconvenient to go too far from homeNow you can download directly AK fragrance jewelry APP! Hundredsofproducts for you to chooseMetalworking series, classic design models, as well as thenewestjewel series needle series and so do theclassificationincludedAK's like you do not miss!→ shelves anytime latest products, first-handinformationfirst-hand goods→ simple interface, easy to enjoy shopping❦ ❦ Company ProfileArtek Fragrance JewelryCombined with fragrances and fashion design jewelry craft "AK~fragrance jewelry," since listing, has created the world'sfavoriteperfume scent diffusers and amazing person and response.Therefore,we continue to strive to give constantly developing newmodels ofpower, from time to time to attend our annual salesexhibition, theconclusion of a global order, including: USA,Canada, Singapore,Australia, Japan, Malaysia, the United Kingdom,Japan, the MiddleEast, China Mainland China and Taiwan. All of ourproductionProduct not only has a patented combination of bottle corksandBel-Air, but each design is applied for image productionrights.Thus, "AK ~ Perfume Jewelry" also partition distribution.Shanghai,Nanjing, Chongqing, Dongguan has sales offices.  Taiwan's design team with production in thehinterlandof China, we are confident to provide an endless supplyof newmodels supply all your favorite friends Aroma bottles -glassornaments / flavor / oils jewelry / oil bottle / essentialoilnecklace / oils bracelet / hand-painted glass / glass essentialoilnecklace / jewelry / lock ring / bag charm / car ornaments Aroma/Aroma mobile phone strap / aromatherapy oil products /glassnecklace / glass ring / perfume necklace / Kaoru Hong ring/necklace fragrance / perfume ring / Fragrance Crafts /FragranceJewelry / car ornaments / incense stove / aromatherapyoilsrefined, oil bottle necklaces, rings oil bottles, glass oilbottlenecklace, glass necklace aromatherapy, aromatherapy pendantsLifepassword necklace Lucky Lucky goods, personal goods oilsLuckynecklaces, rings essential oils, aromatherapy rings, pendantsoils,essential oils, perfume bottles.  I hope "AK ~ Perfume Jewelry" inventions, likeessentialoils can make more friends with people sidearms reachdiastolicpressure, anti-anxiety and create feelings of pleasure,enjoyment oflife.Address: 235 South Road, New Taipei City Taiwan No. 30-2Tel :886 -2-82451815 Fax :886 -912 018 354Website: http://www.artekcollection.com
Dishes 4.11
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
【好盤美味廚房】位於熱鬧新北市板橋區,一整面的落地玻璃讓室內採光極佳,一進門是一張舒適的沙發,如果客滿的話,可以舒服地在這裡候位。典雅的裝潢加上書架上眾多類別的書籍,使空間中帶有淡淡的書香氣息,特色燈飾點綴溫暖舒適的用餐環境,十分適合三五好友相約聚餐。《別出心裁的特色餐點 給你絕無僅有的優質美味》所有食材都是新鮮現煮,老闆特別推薦【招牌美式漢堡】精選牛絞肉加入多種調味製成牛肉堡,鹹鮮適中的牛肉和濃郁起司在高溫中漸漸融為一體,淋上醬料後大口品嚐,豐富味覺饗宴實在難以抗拒!DishesAPP資訊平台,提供優惠活動、餐廳介紹、位置導航、訂位、線上洽詢....等豐富的行動服務,讓你可以即時掌握Dishes美味廚房的最新資訊,還在等甚麼,快下載DishesAPP吧!!關鍵字搜尋:Dishes美味廚房、餐廳、美式漢堡、義大利麵、簡餐、新式美國菜、早午餐、中式熟食店、熱狗、義式餐點、墨西哥菜、披薩、美國南方黑人傳統食物、美國南方菜、德州墨西哥菜、素食、速食店。[Good] is located inthelively kitchen dish delicious New Taipei Itabashi, a glass floorsothat the entire surface of the interior lighting is excellent,adoor is a comfortable sofa, if fully booked, it cancomfortablyhere waiting position. Elegant decor plus manycategories of bookson the shelves, so dining space with a touch ofscholarlyatmosphere, specialty lighting embellishment warm andcomfortable,very suitable for a few friends Meet dinner."Ingenious specials unique quality to your delicious"All ingredients are fresh brewed, the boss isparticularlyrecommended selection [signs] American hamburgerseasoning madefrom ground beef by adding a variety Fort beef, beefmoderate saltyand tangy cheese and gradually blend in the heat,pour the saucebig mouth taste, taste rich feast indeed hard toresist!Dishes APP information platform that providespromotions,restaurant description, location, navigation, booking,onlinecontact .... rich mobile services so that you can instantlygraspthe latest information Dishes gourmet kitchen, what are youwaitingfor, fast downloads Dishes APP now!!Keyword Search: Dishes gourmet kitchen, diningroom,American-style burgers, pasta, meals, new American cuisine,brunch,Chinese deli, hot dogs, righteous style meals, Mexican,Pizza,American Southern blacks traditional food, AmericanSoutherncuisine, Tex-Mex, vegetarian, fast food.
仙可兒 5.12
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
  仙可兒生技創立於民國49年,五十幾年來一直深耕宜蘭,是臺灣少數的古早味保養品工廠。仙可兒於1965年外銷泰國並取得泰國皇家獎獎項殊榮,之後也銷往巴西,成功將本土保養品打入國際。接著於2006年度獲得中華民國消費者協會所頒與之「第一品牌」殊榮,也榮獲中華兩岸消費者優良工商經貿發展協會所頒發之2009年「中華消費者國家頂級金牌獎」以及2012年「台灣第一領導品牌」。並在建國百年獲頒經濟部感謝獎,感謝仙可兒對臺灣本地之工商發展及就業貢獻。  仙可兒全部產品皆由自己研發製作,品項包括清潔、抗痘、滋潤保濕、美白遮瑕、抗老化等。其中以仙可兒美膚霜最為暢銷,歷史也最悠久。仙可兒美膚霜以簡單溫和的配方、幾十年來呵護著使用者的肌膚。其他熱銷產品包括加強型美膚霜、膠原蛋白洗面乳、酵素潔膚粉以及EGF時空逆轉精華等。仙可兒一直秉持研發生產平價優質保養品的理念,朝永續經營的方向前進。企業目前已由第三代接管,期許能更使企業向上發展,並提供大眾更優質、安全的臉部保養品,造福社會。Sin can childrenBiotechwas founded in the Republic for 49 years, fifty years hasbeencultivating Ilan, Taiwan minority typified care productsfactory.Sin can be children for export to Thailand in 1965 andobtained theRoyal Thai Prize award-winning, after it sold toBrazil, local careproducts successfully into the international.Then in 2006,obtained with the ROC Consumers Association awardedthe "FirstBrand" award, also won the China trade and economicdevelopment ofcross-strait industrial and commercial consumersexcellentAssociation awarded the 2009 "China's top gold medalconsumercountries," and in 2012 " Taiwan's first leading brand. "And wasawarded the Ministry of Economic Affairs in CentennialAppreciationAward, thank cents to children of Taiwan's localbusinessdevelopment and employment contribution.Sin can be chosen by the children themselves all productresearchand development production, items including cleaning,acne,moisturizing, whitening concealer, anti-aging. Among centstochildren the most popular skin cream, the oldest history. Sincanchildren mild skin cream to a simple recipe for decades care oftheuser's skin. Other hot products include enhanced skincream,cleanser collagen, enzymes cleansing powder and EGFtemporalreversal essence.Sin can always uphold child care products research and productionofhigh quality cheap philosophy towards sustainabledirection.Enterprise currently has the third generation takes over,hopes tobetter enable enterprises to move upwards, and provide thepublicwith better quality, safety facial skin care products forthebenefit of society.
面具彩妝 5.32
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
FANCY FACEPROFESSIONAL MAKE-UP不一樣的場合不一樣的心情自然的戴上不一樣的面具找到適合自己的化妝方法好比找到適合自己款式的衣服用高品質的面具專業色彩化妝品如同您的臉上穿高品質 質地細柔的衣裳不論居家或外出您還堅持裸臉嗎請選擇適合自己質地的彩妝Wear different MASKS naturally,for different occasions and different moods.Discovering a suitable makeup techniqueis like finding a perfect outfit for yourself.Using high quality Fancy Face Professional Colour Cosmeticsis just like wearing a high quality fabric,silky textured garment on your face.Do you still insist on going BARE whether indoors or out?choose a cosmetic to suit your skin type.FANCY FACEPROFESSIONAL MAKE-UPNot the same as the caseDifferent moodNatural wear different masksFind their own make-up methodsLike to find their own style of clothingHigh-quality professional color cosmetic maskLike your face, wear clothes of high quality The Soft textureWhether at home or on the go you will also adhere to the nakedfaceitPlease choose your own make-up textureWear different MASKS naturally,for different occasions and different moods.Discovering a suitable makeup techniqueis like finding a perfect outfit for yourself.Using high quality Fancy Face Professional Colour Cosmeticsis just like wearing a high quality fabric,silky textured garment on your face.Do you still insist on going BARE whether indoors or out?choose a cosmetic to suit your skin type.
BNI 大嘴商城 5.58
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
瀚星百貨 1.6
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
瀚星百貨是以"商場公園化"出發點的新概念,提供消費者一個小而舒適的購物環境!透過APP讓你隨時提供百貨館內最新資訊及活動。●「我的集點卡」可隨時透過手機,查詢您的瀚星百貨會員卡號、累積點數、申辦方式、消費集點方式。●「QR Code」掃描瀚星百貨QR Code即可連結到促銷優惠活動內容。●「特賣活動」查詢現有最新瀚星百貨活動與促銷特賣活動。●「交通資訊」提供您到瀚星百貨的地圖路徑。●「店鋪情報」瀚星百貨各樓店家的店鋪介紹、消費情報、店內照片。
滿儎屋台料理 4.12
eLidot Digital Inc.(App123)
滿儎屋台料理,店裝潢風格是走復古的古早味,菜色大致可分為,燒物、一夜干、海鮮、生食、鍋物、小料理、飯料及飲品,老闆每天都會採買新鮮的料理食材,讓客人可享受最超值的料理!店裡還有一個專門用來存放製作一夜干的冰櫃,所謂的一夜干就是將鮮魚用鹽湯浸漬,之後在通風處晾一整晚,第二天天未亮就收起來存放,因起稱為一夜干,是一種源自日本北海道保存食物的方式。全部都是由老闆不假他人,親自製作,是饕客首屈一指的美味喔 !APP提供交通資訊、餐廳特色、留言交流、線上訂位等功能,以期提供給客人更多的服務 !!店家資訊:滿儎屋台料理(一夜干專門)地址:台北市大安區師大路92巷46號電話:0938-987-159營業時間:18:00 - 02:00